What You Should Know About Recent Google Algorithm Updates

RED66 Blog Image - What You Should Know About Recent Google Algorithm Updates, google ai algorithm

Earlier this year, Google had a big search update which impacted sites all over the world. Part of this update was tied to generative AI, in a way to combat content that is not helpful to the searcher. But also not tied to artificial intelligence (AI) content as a whole.

Guess what—they just rolled out another update, too. This latest Google AI content update is here to continue to recognize high-quality, people-first content, and demote SEO focus-only content.

Let’s be honest—you can tell when something is written for you as a visitor and a human versus for a search engine, right?

In fact, I was looking at a local carpet cleaning company’s website recently. I’ve had them clean my carpets before, so I went to the website and their homepage said “Professional Carpet Cleaner Near Me” with 3 city names after it.

Come on—“near me” isn’t something Google will use to rank a website. “Near me” is a modifier used by people who are inherently looking for local services or places to go. This is where local SEO, optimizing content properly, and correct keyword research come into play.

This is a prime example of why Google made these updates, which are all related to SEO content and AI.

Does This Mean That Google Will Not Index Content Created by AI? No!

Google’s “job” and reason for being is to deliver search results relevant to the person searching. It shows search results relevant to what you’re looking for. This is based on many factors, like:

  • Are you logged in to a browser, like Chrome, or not?
  • Are you using Gmail or not?
  • What have you searched for in the past?
  • Where are you located?
  • Just to name a few...

These factors will influence what you see. In fact, you and a colleague could sit next to each other, search for the same thing on your own laptops or phones, and see different results.

You will not see the same results. Similar, but not the same.

Search Results Are Getting More Personalized

This is why it is so important to understand...

  • WHO you’re talking to when producing content
  • WHAT they are searching for and why. What pains, issues, and challenges are they trying to solve?
  • HOW you can help them and provide content for that

AI powered tools may be able to help get started, but they won’t get you all the way there.

Content creation and SEO are not about Google or search engines. They are about understanding your audience and creating helpful content with natural language that shows your experience.

That's why many SEO experts talk about an SEO tool and model called E-E-A-T. I like how Search Engine Journal describes E-E-A-T here.

  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

It's Still All Digital Marketing

As we plan and create content for clients, we ask a lot of questions. We dig in to understand your prospects, your customers and create content ideas and topics where you can showcase your expertise.

We develop websites based on user behavior for a pleasant, simple experience to learn more and take action. Building authority and trust takes time, and includes digging into deeper topics and solutions for your customers.

Curious about recent updates, how your site is impacted, and what you can do to improve your SEO strategies, experience for visitors, and leverage AI? We’d be happy to talk through it with you soon. Reach out today!

Rebecca-2024Meet The Author

Rebecca Dutcher, President & Founder

Rebecca has always had a passion for marketing and building strong relationships with clients—by offering honest input and feedback—and has a firm belief in doing what you say you’re going to do. She’s spent 15+ years prior to starting RED66 working for marketing agencies with specialties in SEO/SEM and web development, branding, creative design, and integrated communications – taking all she’s learned to bring the best marketing approach to our clients.

In her free time, you'll find Rebecca enjoying Michigan summers on the boat, taking in a kickboxing class or spending time with family and her dogs.

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