WordPress Plugins We Love

When it comes to websites, WordPress is our best friend. We do tons of web development here at RED66 Marketing, and we love WordPress.
It’s so much more flexible than a single-page landing site and is endlessly customizable with e-commerce and payment gateways. Additionally, it easily integrates with client databases and allows completely custom portals. All that to say, we love WordPress and what it’s capable of.
If you’re familiar with WordPress, you know there are lots of plugins out there, and that open source is a benefit to us all. As developers continue to add functionality, your website continues to become more user-friendly.
Here are our favorite WordPress plugins! (Note: most of these are a part of the premium version, as we need added capabilities for client websites).
Gravity Forms
We’ve been using this plugin for years, and it’s great for simple contact forms, setting up online payments, and more. It has payment integration with PayPal, Stripe Panel, and authorize.net. With Gravity Forms, you can also customize where the form goes when it’s emailed to the customer, so notifications are always accurate.
This plugin also stores information directly in the website so all forms that are completed online are stored for review and export if needed. What’s more, Gravity Forms integrates with email platforms, so you can easily add a checkbox for customers to automatically be added to your email database.
Content Views
Content Views lets us customize different views to pull posts and pages into different areas of display. We do use the free version of this plugin on some smaller websites, but most often use the premium version as it allows for more detailed customizing, letting us exactly match client colors and style sheets.
Without having to rely on regular WordPress widget or post functionality, we can have a simple list in a footer, we can customize what size images are shown where, and more. Content Views offers tons of flexibility when it comes to how words and images are seen on a website.
A super robust e-commerce platform, WooCommerce has several integration capabilities. From a restaurant client who sells gift cards to full e-commerce stores, we utilize this plugin all the time. It can be used with authorize.net, PayPal, Stripe, and many others.
We’ve even been able to customize it to do more and integrate with Salesforce databases and QuickBooks payment gateways.
All-in-One WordPress Migration
This is common for us in smaller sites, especially for ones that need a revamp and we’re replacing another WordPress site that’s already on the client’s host.
With this plugin, we can export the new site and import it into their current website, overriding and replacing what’s already there. Providing simple and seamless integration, this plugin is a favorite for small scale projects.
Visual Website Builders
WordPress recently upgraded to the Gutenberg editor, but we also love visual website builders. Plugins like Beaver Builder and Elementor provide a real ease and understanding of websites, making it simple for both us and clients to view and update their web pages.
You can drag images and text and it allows you to see exactly what your website will look like. These builders are incredibly user-friendly and include basic and premium versions.
Best WordPress Plugins for Marketing
Of course, there are countless plugins that we use in our everyday website development. When evaluating plugins, we’re sure to check out number of installs and reviews, documentation, and also support options, to ensure that we avoid any potential problems.
Plugins require a bit of research and investigation, but that’s what we’re here for!
Do you have questions about the best WordPress plugins for marketing, or are you looking to add more capabilities to your website? We’d love to take a look and see exactly how we can help. Contact us today!